
From BPAX Lab

Signal bar. Normally a trader would want a good signal bar to enter any trade, especially when trading a reversal, but when market is already clearly trending, good signal bar is relatively less important than the overall pattern (for e.g. H2 or A2 buy), in fact, a strong trend usually doesn't give a good signal bar, like bar 36 on 20230125, market wants to make more buyers chase it up.

Bad signal bar[edit | edit source]

Bad signal bar lowers the probability of a setup, especially when there are consecutive bad signal bars, making the setup less reliable. Below, bar 4 and bar 8 formed a possible GD DT pattern, but bar 4 is a bad SB for L1 and bar 8 is another bad SB for L2, hence consecutive bad SB, this increases the chance of a TRBRL than start of a strong BRT.

course ES-49C


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